The process of purchasing a domain can be difficult to understand if it is your first time. At eW3, we want to help make the process as seamless as possible. If you want to learn more about the process from start to finish, browse this article for more information. In this article we will go over the purchasing of the domain, the payment process as well as the final transfer to your registrar of choice.
Pick your Domain
Domain names are like virtual real estate. When someone goes to search something in the URL bar, they input a domain name. This domain is the virtual address of the website that it belongs to.
When choosing a domain name, combinations of short descriptive words are often the best. The look of the word should also be taken into consideration, as should the brandability and ease of pronunciation. This will make your domain easy to remember and more likely to gain traffic in the long run.
Choose your Registrar
Once you have decided on your domain, simply add it to your eWorldWideWeb shopping cart. Once you have purchased your domain from us, you will have exclusive rights to register it with whoever you choose.
Many domains are currently active and registered, but are not being used. These domains are for sale, and can be owned once a price is agreed upon with the seller. These sales are often managed by a brokerage service, like eW3. If you can’t find your perfect domain in our selection of domains, we can help you find the one you want by reaching out to the owner and negotiating the sale.
A domain registrar will handle the registration of your domain. Once you acquire the domain, you must register it. Expect to pay around $10-$15 annually for these services. While most registrars provide similar functions, they are not all equal in price and service. Do your research and choose carefully, or reach out to the eW3 team for help handling registration.
Activate Whois Privacy
Turning on this function will keep your contact information private from any Whois search. It will block your email from appearing in searches associated with a domain, and prevent you from getting spam or attempted fraud. You will have the option of turning it on when you register your domain.
Pay Yearly Registration Fees
When you buy a domain, you pay for ownership. Yet you still have to pay to maintain the registration of the domain. Like virtual real estate, these fees must be paid to keep your virtual address.
Domains are leased through registrars, and to maintain rights to use them, you must continually pay your registration fees. Usually in the range of $7-$22, each domain will have a fee that must be paid in order to maintain ownership.
Find your Domain
The first step in the path of your business is to secure a fitting and functional domain name. While it may seem like a daunting process if it is your first time, our team of experienced domain brokers can help you find the right domain for your online store or blog. Use the search function on our homepage, or reach out to our staff for personalized assistance. Once you’ve found the right one you’ll be well on your way to a successful online presence.
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